Instructional Services
Teachers are the key to student success! Research is very clear and consistent on this point. Computer curriculums are useful tools for the successful teacher and their students. Textbooks and other instructional materials are also useful tools. In order to ensure the highest opportunity for student success on all accountability systems, federal, state and local, personal support for your teaching staff is necessary. Education Services and Solutions can provide that support customized to your specific needs. Some of the key components of our plans include:
- Data Analysis
- Model Lessons
- Mentoring/Coaching (for your teachers)
- Lesson Design
- Monitoring implementation of curriculum.
- Formative Assessments
- Assist teaching staff in identifying current readiness standards.
- Assist teaching staff in identifying and adjusting to the new rigor.
- Training for secondary non-core teachers in ways to support the four core areas.
A plan will be developed for your district. We do not have a preconceived plan. We do have the expertise to assist you.