Executive Search Services
Our process is much the same as other search firms, yet with a couple of notable differences. We are a small firm whose main focus is service to the District’s core mission and goals. Each search is customized to the needs of the District. We do a limited number of searches each year so that we can focus as much energy as possible on each one. We believe successfully filling the position of Leader of the district is the most important task the Board will attempt throughout the majority of its tenure. We begin with meeting with the Board of Trustees to determine a timeline for the permanent Superintendent to be named. We are happy to provide candidates for the Interim position if needed by the district. At the same meeting as the time line is set, we will work with the Trustees to determine priorities for the search process and priorities for the successful candidate. Our firm will conduct a series of profiling sessions with classroom teachers, parents and community members, and key district leaders, if the board desires. The profile will be shared with the trustees. A list of finalists, with their resumes, who have met the criteria established by the Board and community, will be delivered to the trustees. Our firm will work to insure that the final candidates “fit” the district and will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on this matter. The emphasis of all our personnel services is on the character and ability of the applicants as judged through personal contact, references, and evidence of past performance. The process will be confidential for all candidates.

If the district uses an EdSaS Interim, the cost for the search may be reduced. The reduction is by allowing the Interim Superintendent to conduct the majority of the community and staff profiling sessions. The opportunity for the Interim to work in conjunction with the Board of Trustees, staff, and community will create a significant advantage to the Board in the selection of a candidate that has a good fit with the community. Each search is completely individual and tailored to the needs of the district. There are no “stable” of candidates or preferred applicants for positions. It is the priority of EdSaS to provide the highest quality candidate for the position. We have the contacts in the professional education community to provide Trustees with solid professional and personal references. We believe it is the responsibility of EdSaS to provide the Board with complete information on the character, personal strengths, experience, and ability of all candidates. EdSaS fully supports the Board of Trustees in their responsibility to select the candidate that in their judgment best fits the situation.
Central Office & Principal Positions
Our process is much the same for the selection of other positions as for Executive searches. We begin with a meeting with the Superintendent to determine a timeline, and priorities for the search and for the successful candidate. If preferred by the District, we will meet with key district leaders, classroom teachers, and community members to develop a profile for the candidate. We will conduct a complete reference check and provide a list of finalist to the district. Additionally, our firm will be honored to make a recommendation on the candidate we believe best fits the profile, priorities, and character of the community.
All candidates will have a criminal records check, a credit check, a review of Facebook and other social media sites as applicable, and a google search.
Positions will be posted on the TASA website, the TASBO website, the EdSaS website, and Texas ISD.com as applicable for the opening.
Our work is guaranteed. If the candidate leaves the district for any reason within 18 months our firm will conduct a second search for the cost of expenses only. We are happy to provide Board and Superintendent team building training, goal setting, and management and leadership training for administration as well.
  • Outline for search services:
    • Board of Trustees selects EdSaS for assistance in filling the vacant leadership position.
    • The position is posted on applicable websites.
    • A calendar for the search process is determined and agreed.
    • A profile of the successful candidate is drawn.
    • Interview procedures are determined, A prepared list of questions are compiled, all candidates are asked the same question by the same interviewer.
    • Applicants are screened and a short list is recommended to the Board for interviews.
    • Applicants are interviewed.
    • Lone Finalist selected – for Superintendent positions a 21 day waiting period is required.
    • During this period the contract will be negotiated with assistance from EdSaS staff, if desired.
The timeline for most Executive Searches is 90 to 120 days. This allows for 30 to 60 days to post the position and conduct profiling sessions. 15 to 30 days are allowed to complete Interviews, reference checks, and selection of a lone finalist. 21 days is required after naming a lone finalist for the position, this time is utilized to negotiate the final contract as well. The time line can be shortened dependent upon the position and local circumstances.
Sample Timeline:
Feb. 1 - Board of Trustees selects EdSaS to conduct the search for a new Superintendent
Feb. 2 - EdSaS posts positions on websites
Feb. 5- March 5 – EdSaS meets with the Board of Trustees to determine priorities for the District and to develop interview questions and procedures.
March 5- March 15 – EdSaS associates will conduct information gathering sessions with community groups to draw a profile of the next Chief Executive Officer
March 20 – EdSaS meets with the Board to review applicants and set interviews with candidates
March 25 – First round Interviews with selected candidates
April 1 – Second round interviews with final candidates
April 7 – Board selects lone finalist Contract for candidate is negotiated
April 28 – Board approves Superintendent selection and approves contract
Education Solutions & Services
PO Box 1942
Pampa, Texas 79066
phone: 830.708.8160
email: mike@edsas.com
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Education Solutions & Services Inc.
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