Planning Staffing Ratio Review
Staffing reviews are intended to assist the district in the organization and assignment
of staff to accomplish the core mission of the district in as efficient a method
as possible. Our goal is always to have the academic mission of the district as
the top priority. Staff studies begin with an entrance interview with the current
Superintendent of the District. During this meeting we will finalize the expectations
for the scope of work as discussed prior to the presentation of a proposal. Staff
reviews are to focus on positions and provide recommendations. No recommendations
on individual personnel are intended. If any irregularities or concerns are revealed
during the review, they will be immediately reported to the Superintendent. Salary
and stipend information is included only where the information is generally known
and accepted in the field. The salaries are assumed to be averages and reflect total
cost to the district including benefits, TRS, etc. The term FTE is used to represent
a full time equivalent position.
Following the entrance interview, EdSaS staff will meet with supervisory staff,
according to availability, to determine staff usage and potential areas of efficiency
improvement. EdSaS uses a common set of interview questions for all staff. Every
effort will be made to be as least disruptive as possible to the academic environment
of the district.
Education Solutions and Services staff is happy to provide a proposal to complete
a staff study customized to the needs of the district. References are available
upon request.